Of all the Support class changes, the biggest is obviously Brigitte’s. UI now displays what hero is being healed/debuffed next to the Ultimate charge circle instead of in the bottom right corner of the screen.Base shields increased from 150 to 175.Increases quick melee damage by 50% and significantly knocksback hit targets.Time to fall off target when not in line of sight reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.Angelic Descent will now additionally slow ascent speed if held, not just descent speed.Now automatically launches you upwards if you reach the end of Guardian Angel.No longer can be canceled using crouch for a big vertical boost.Increased the Support passive healing by 50%.UI now displays an image of what hero you are healing/damage buffing.Self-healing penalty increased from 30 to 60%.Sound Barrier Ultimate cost reduced by 12%.Shield Bash triggers her Inspire ability.Cooldown reduced from 7 seconds to 5 seconds.Range increased from 6.85 meters to a little over 10 meters.Regenerative Burst healing increased from 75 to 100.Primary fire minimum falloff range reduced from 25 meters to 20 meters.

It’s completely possible that Blizzard ends up adjusting one of these characters - especially for popular choices like Brigitte. This means any of these changes could be altered for subsequent tests or when the game is officially released. Keep in mind that Overwatch 2 is still in beta. These range from quality of life changes to the UI to alterations in how much damage they deal. While the tanks got the biggest alternations, there were some small changes made to several support heroes like Ana. Despite looking (and playing) extremely similar to the original game, many of the heroes got either complete ability reworks or some minor tweaks. Overwatch 2’s beta is officially live, allowing some players to go hands-on with the next installment in this hero shooter.