Stranded deep
Stranded deep

stranded deep

Hunting and fishing - Spear small animals in the shallows or risk the depths with a spear gun in search of larger meals. Random Loot and Collectables - Search sunken shipwrecks and islands for interesting and rare equipment. Detailed Survival Aspects and Interaction - Manage your vitals of hunger, thirst, blood, and health against the harshness of mother nature. Unique Physically-based Building System - Settle on an island and construct a shelter or venture the seas with your own built raft. Any game created island can be replaced with a custom made island created by the player.

stranded deep

Usage The cartographer’s main usage is being able to add or delete custom islands. It can be accessed through the main menu. Unique Physically-based Crafting System - Harvest resources to create equipment by combining them together in the physical world - no crafting slots! The Cartographer is a feature in Stranded Deep.

stranded deep

Dynamic Weather and Day-Night Cycle - Struggle to navigate stormy seas or enjoy basking with a coconut on a sunny afternoon. Das Survival-Adventure wirft euch direkt in den Überlebenskampf auf. If you feel like sharing, you can even share your world seed with other players. Stranded Deep wurde erstmalig im Jahre 2015 auf Steam veröffentlicht, ab sofort ist das Spiel auch für Konsolenspieler verfügbar. You can also mix your own maps created with the map editor in with the procedurally created maps in the world for a more customized experience. No two worlds are the same - You can generate a completely new and randomized world at any time. Generate an Infinite Number of Procedural Worlds - Explore Pacific islands, reefs, and bottomless ocean trenches filled with detailed biomes! Stranded Deep ist ein Survival/Open-World Spiel aus dem Hause Beam Team Games, welches am als Early-Access Version auf Steam veröffentlicht wurde.

stranded deep

Come face to face with some of the most life threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. If you’d like to contribute to his GoFundMe, you can click here.Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. “I think a big takeaway is that when you have the opportunity to do something good, help someone out, help a cat out, like I did for Storm, you should take that opportunity.” While he said it’s nice to be appreciated, he thinks there’s a lesson that everyone can learn here. Mike: “I never thought I would be, and to be honest, I don’t really care but I do appreciate it because it’s given me sort of a platform to not just help my recovery but help the Humane Society and other people that are in need as well.” I’m sorry, Megan, but he is everyone’s boyfriend now. The Stranded Deep Original Soundtrack by Only Sound contains music created exclusively for the indie survival hit Featuring four instrumentalists on this unique score with custom built instruments. People online have responded to the video calling Mike “everyone’s boyfriend.” It might be his bravery, or even his bashfulness that won over the internet. And the remainder will be to restore our home which suffered eight feet of flooding.” “One that helps people specifically, not just cats and dogs. “We’re going to donate 50% of it directly to the Humane Society and then another chunk to some other fundraiser we haven’t decided yet,” he said. With his 15 minutes of fame, Mike is now fundraising for the community. Megan posted the video on Twitter and overnight, as our lives changed with Ian, millions of people watched his heroic actions. “We were going to name the cat Ian, then we realized it was a girl, so Ian wouldn’t work,” he said. Mike and his girlfriend Megan named the cat Storm. The cat is safe and sound at Mike’s Naples home where she joins his dogs Honey and Emma. I mean to be honest, for the next two days she was shell-shocked.” Mike: “I think there was a thank you, but she was definitely nervous. Gage: “Did you get an instant like ‘Thank you’ from the cat?” The AC unit it was perched on isn’t here anymore and neither is the first flood of the house it was connected to. Lucky for the cat, Mike and his mom were there. Mike: “I think it would be harder to look at the animal perched on the AC unit knowing that it was gonna die than it would be to go out there and save it.”

Stranded deep